Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Where Can I Buy A Margarita Bucket


Lic Leonor Mauvecin Argentina
Present: Very dear friend

As organizers of the XVI International Conference: Women Poets in the Land of the Clouds, and in recognition of his work and his person, we extend our most cordial invitation to representing his country participate in the commemoration of this event.

The XVI Meeting will be held from 12 to 18 November and is organized in coordination with the National Council for Culture and the Arts, the National Institute of Fine Arts, the Government of the State of Oaxaca, the National Autonomous University Mexico and Mixtec communities. Like every year, this meeting will gather in Mexico to the most outstanding authors contemporary poetry.

The essential part of the XVI Meeting will be held in the Mixteca region of Oaxaca state, but we also have presentations in other university forums, and popular culture culminating in a grand concert at the Palacio de las Bellas Artes, Mexico City .

Our invitation includes lodging, meals and local transportation during the days of the meeting. You only have to cover the cost of your flight to Mexico City.

Please note that this meeting takes its name from a word meaning Mixtec, which is "the place or country of clouds." We hope your presence in November, while both receive a warm greeting. Sincerely


Fire Coordinator General Emilio
Region Mixteca, Oaxaca, Mexico in September 2008

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STUDIES CENTER Mixtec culture. Trajan 39, CENTER, HUAJUAPAN DE LEON, OAX. TEL. 953 532 97 64.

Converting Back Porch To Room



Taylor Lautner Teeth White

based in Seven Voices Cordoba: Cordoba most by birth, others by persuasion and love. Three women and four men, as a trivium and quadrivium. . It is difficult to make a common ground for individuality asserted precisely is the merit of the whole. We can not talk generational competition for among the largest and the youngest there are twenty years apart. Neither of poets beginners because they all have several books published and some have achieved significant awards. All have university education without that the poets become minority. His readings are noted, the reappraisal of the classic but not evade the reality, experience and express. Different voices, different topics, and the only passion for poetry as "invisible persecuted." MarĂ­a Zambrano said that poetry, when it comes to embody the full, not something that poets "do" but something that "makes" the poets inevitably.. " Seven voices that make up a concert in which all blend and one out of tune. Seven voices can come together precisely because they are different - not homogeneous, and converge towards integration. As the seven colors of the rainbow, or the seven notes of the musical scale or the seven days of Genesis or the seven gifts of the Spirit or the seven petitions of the Our Father And we could go on listing the symbolism of the number seven and number plenary summons these poets.
The title refers precisely to the reality of seven "agonists" fighters with the word and uncompromising defense of the word you are not satisfied by chance as they constitute a group that meets regularly. Because are different and enriched dialogue, because they are different but not distant in the common pilgrimage towards the appointer word in a single-minded pursuit., because the search has more than finding "Lemon). In all lies a poetic, sometimes explicit, but always at work. And a fight with and for the word that is offered or hidden, fill or empty, redeem or conviction. Behind the time / I'll just / words / writing random / in a book "(Mauvecin,) I have not heard that. My rough edge / is all I have. / The rest is artifice of poets. (Castellanos) There is no language to translate the light (Velasco), I have to choose between silence and the word I choose to cry (Street) No word deeper than the void (Levin) Who says it does not matter more than the word / that rocks you from cold to tropical, passion to death (Rabinovich).
But no comment can add anything to the text. Because ultimately all that is said about poetry, but rather left orphaned poetry. Just matter embark on the adventure of reading these seven poets to meet and, in them, knowing that the human and by word man reveals what it is. Lila