For a decade amazed the world with his football genius. Then, tired of the dynamics of professionalism, decided to retire, play for amateur teams to the limit and enjoy the pleasures of life. Alcohol drowned the most talented football ever emerged in the British Isles. Rebellious, talented, genuine, Gulf ... That was George; Simply the Best.
whole life summed up in their sentences. Because up to that George Best was a genius. "Throughout my life I spent much money on alcohol, women and cars. The rest I just squandered, "he once said. So he was: honest, carefree, extravagant ... a parasite. However, his talent on a football field was huge, comparable only to that of the best ever (Maradona, Pele, Cruyff ...) The mischief he did with the ball, stitched boots, up comments yet admiration. "George Best was unique," said Sir Alex Ferguson. Your life too.
offered the world six magical seasons, then choked her star faded for the excesses. Between 1964 and 1970 football world marveled. There was nobody like him there is no one like him . In those years he won two English league (1965 and 1967), a European Cup (1968), the Golden Ball (1968) and a Bronze Ball (1970). In those years, scored 115 goals in 290 games and left to remember countless displays of his talent.
One night in Lisbon, in 1966, undertook to destroy Eusebio Benfica (1-5). The next day the Portuguese press, delivered to such an exhibition, put his nickname accompany the rest of his life: "The Fifth Beatle." Also unforgettable was his match against the selection of Scotland, in October 1967, after which the public dubbed him "the best" ( the best ). And that time that made her blush when veteran goalkeeper Gordon Banks in England, Ireland, slyly removing the ball when he went out the door, to mark his head (but ultimately the goal is not earned).
was the first pop icon of the modern game, as star in and outside the playing fields. And then, while waning Best player, Best character grew, the Best cartoon Best of the excesses . Like that time that, according to later recall the buttons on one of the most exclusive hotels in New York, came to ask, one after another, dozens of bottles of champagne to spend the 20,000 pounds that were scattered on the bed in the luxurious suite in which he enjoyed with a former Miss Universe.
quotations Your
"is the best in the world," Pele said of him in the late 60's. "Had he been born ugly, you would not have heard of Pele, Best once said. But he was not born ugly, but attractive, friendly, binge and over-sensitive to the pleasures of life. And ended up lost on the road. And ended up losing the least you need a player to play the best.
"is the best in the world," Pele said of him in the late 60's. "Had he been born ugly, you would not have heard of Pele, Best once said. But he was not born ugly, but attractive, friendly, binge and over-sensitive to the pleasures of life. And ended up lost on the road. And ended up losing the least you need a player to play the best.
At that time, George Best was portrayed, without shame, for your words, as ingenious and silly as devastating and dramatic. It was pure dynamite with a microphone in front : "They say I slept with seven Miss Universe. It's a lie, have only been three "..." In 1969 I left the women and alcohol were the worst 20 minutes of my life "..." I stopped drinking, but only when I sleep "..." I had a house on the coast, but to reach it had to go through a bar. I never got to see the sea "..." Every time I enter a site, there are 70 people who want to invite me to drink, and I can not say no "..." I was born with a great gift that often has a destructive side. He wanted to outdo everyone when I played and the way he wanted to beat everyone in my nights out. "
All of these phrases, and more, perfectly describe the character. All of them portray that might have been, if he wanted one of two or three best players in history. Best was the greatest wasted talent in world football. But those years of football (his good years) have not ever seen again. So yes, it was Simply the best.

pop icon's first football
George Best was born on May 22, 1946 in Belfast (Northern Ireland) in a family of six children. Since his youth he devoted most of his free time to sports, rugby at first and then football. Missing even more of a class to spend more hours at his real hobby. His father did not want to devote to this sport, but as a good rebel was that did not only increase their desire to be a footballer. He started playing in his hometown team, the Cregagh, and soon proved to be a prodigy with the ball at his feet. Best
When he was 15, Sir Matt Busby, the legendary coach of Manchester United, received a call from one of his scouts, "I just found a talent," and two years later, he was playing in first division with the Reds . From the very day of its debut, Busby realized he had fallen a genius in his hands. Went crazy that day his marker, Graham Williams, an experienced central West Bromwich Albion. Months after they met and told Williams: "Can I stay a moment to see your face?". "Why what? "asked Best. "Because until now the only thing he saw was your ass glued to the band disappear." He agreed that
Manchester with great players like Bobby Charlton and Dennis Law. His arrival the team was a revolution, the young George Best was hungry for football and showed an impeccable attitude: "I could play with either foot, scored goals, many of them head. Busby said of me that was the best at challenging for the ball-remembered years later. He worked hard on the field, retreated to defend if needed. If he lost the ball was a personal insult and wanted back. Yes sir, bothered me a lot to me removed because it was my ball. " Fascinated the world with a football power, full speed, flooding, skill, and nerve attached. fragile in appearance, had an excellent technique with both legs, a blistering pace, dribbling and great vision magical game . Old Trafford fans went crazy with his game and his goals. "If football is an art, then I am an artist," he once said.
Harder They Fall
With the network achieves in those years a number of successes, but it was the victory in the 1968 European Cup (4-1 to Benfica in the final with a best in Star Plan), which elevates the boy from Belfast to major star status media. So each week he received thousands of letters from his fans. But once on top of world football was unable to absorb success and lover of life over night, was in for a path of self destruction . Also contributed to this team this year out of Matt Busby, the veteran coach who had guided with a firm hand, as if it were a father-to that group of players.
With the network achieves in those years a number of successes, but it was the victory in the 1968 European Cup (4-1 to Benfica in the final with a best in Star Plan), which elevates the boy from Belfast to major star status media. So each week he received thousands of letters from his fans. But once on top of world football was unable to absorb success and lover of life over night, was in for a path of self destruction . Also contributed to this team this year out of Matt Busby, the veteran coach who had guided with a firm hand, as if it were a father-to that group of players.
On February 7, 1970 achieved another milestone in his career by scoring six goals in a Premiership match in which Manchester Golea 2-8 to Northampton. But then took a while flirting with alcohol and drugs, which led him to suffer a sharp decline in athletic performance. Without having reached 25, his best years as a player had passed.
George Best was at Manchester until 1974, when it decides to abandon the elite football teams play for children and even amateurs. Played for Fulham FC in three American League teams (one season he scored 15 goals in 24 games), and Scottish and Irish League, always second-rate equipment. Although there completely lost fitness still offered, from time to time some glimpses of his magic . As impressive as that marked playing for the San Jose Earthquakes in 1981, and was considered the best goal scored ever in the NASL (the now defunct North American Soccer League).
late 1982 by the AFBornemouth tab, computer English Third Division, where he played until the end of the season. Then aged 37, decided to retire from football. It would still have one last encounter with the sport that gave him fame. It was in November 2004, being already very ill when he accepted the job as coach of the youth ranks at Portsmouth. Was charge more symbolic than effective, but this way fulfilled his wish of getting back together, at the end of his days, the world of football.
A life full speed
alcohol, beautiful women and speed were a constant in his life. Being young and a winner all seemed fine. As soon as they left the sport's elite, his life became a hell, including a suicide attempt. Despite his success with women, his love life was a big failure, twice married and twice divorced, receiving harsh accusations from their wives : "When drunk George is the most deplorable, donkey, ignorant piece of shit I've seen, "said one of them. In 1984 he was sentenced to three months in prison for driving drunk and assaulting the police officer who stopped him. He spent Christmas of that year behind bars. Twenty years later he repeated the scene and pulled the driver's license for 20 months.
alcohol, beautiful women and speed were a constant in his life. Being young and a winner all seemed fine. As soon as they left the sport's elite, his life became a hell, including a suicide attempt. Despite his success with women, his love life was a big failure, twice married and twice divorced, receiving harsh accusations from their wives : "When drunk George is the most deplorable, donkey, ignorant piece of shit I've seen, "said one of them. In 1984 he was sentenced to three months in prison for driving drunk and assaulting the police officer who stopped him. He spent Christmas of that year behind bars. Twenty years later he repeated the scene and pulled the driver's license for 20 months.
In September 1990 she starred in another ugly incident in a BBC television show. Best appeared with obvious signs of intoxication and snapped live presenter: " Terry, I like screwing " ("Terry, I like to fuck"). Subsequently apologized and confessed that he had been one of the worst incidents arising from his alcoholism. The last years of his life were a nightmare of hospitals and operations. In 2000 came close to death by her suffering serious liver damage, a year later he was hospitalized for pneumonia, and in 2002 he underwent a liver transplant, and the November 25, 2005 died without having fulfilled 60 as a result of internal bleeding.
few days before his death, the newspaper asked Best News of the World to publish a photo of him lying in bed showing her delicate, accompanied by the following message: "Do not die like me." Thus did warn everyone of the devastating effects of alcoholism. Nevertheless, at the end of his days he was proud of some of the things he had achieved: "Pele told me that I was the best player in the world. That's the best tribute to my life. "
Video tribute to George Best
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