Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Outdoor Plastic Santa Claus Decoration

WAIST LOOM Triqui women

Triqui This beautiful woman, she wove in her loom shawls to suit the little ladies in my house, she was dressed for my picture, with its woven and embroidered blouse.

The oral tradition says that the Triqui came from Monte Alban, where they were expelled for disobeying the orders of the king. They moved to the bottom of the Oaxacan coast, but due to extremely hot weather areas sought higher Triqui languages, Mixtec and Amuzgo Cuicatec family belong to the Mixtec. Women are monolingual. Most of the men speak English and Triqui. The Triqui also speak Mixteco.

(From the book of Elena)
With Mount indelible dyes, weaves
with their roots. Green

beam on the underside grayish green and yellow

thread on the loom writes an ancient poem. Plot

she weaves the
afternoon heat in the shade of the house, the masonry, on the patio.
hard earth, salt in tears on the rough wool. Rough

as my mother's hands weaving

with everything needed.
Leonor Mauvecin


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