Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pain In Front Tooth From Moving Around

Roger Bannister, the Miracle Mile

The May 6, 1954 fall of the mythical barriers Athletics: The four-minute mile (1,609 meters), the classic middle-distance test. The protagonist of the feat was a young medical student, Roger Bannister.
The day was windy, which was not exactly good news for Bannister, who hours later I had an appointment with history at the old stadium Iffley Road in Oxford. As usual, spent morning doing his internship at St. Mary's Hospital, then took the train from London to Oxford to play an athletic event that would involve an extensive list of British athletes (Chris Chataway, Chris Brasher, Alan Gordon, George Dole .. .) Traveled alone in second class, something unthinkable today for a sports star. Bannister
going to attack one of the great frontiers of athletics ("the wall", they called a few): the four-minute mile, the "test of the middle distance. Today may seem less than objective view of 3:43.13 that has El Guerrouj as world best, but then it was a huge challenge that remained for years the best athletes and coaches looking for ways to achieve this. " The four-minute mile had become a kind of Everest. It was a challenge to the human spirit, an obstacle that seemed to mock all those who tried to beat him, a poignant appeal against the man he struggled in vain " would write years later in his autobiography Bannister own First Four Minutes (The first four minutes).
not surprising, therefore, the enormous excitement generated when it was learned that the best British middle-distance runner would attempt such feat. Under the supervision of Austrian coach Franz Stampfl, took months training to lower this mark. Bannister trained alone, five days a week and just one hour a day, to avoid prejudicing their studies. In view of this challenge and to maximize their scarce time, looking for the quality of training, making continuous series, rather than quantity.
lunch in Oxford with a couple of friends and their daughters. Rain and the wind blows hard, which undoubtedly further complicate the challenge ... but he was determined to try. knew I had the record in his legs and would have many more opportunities for had already made the decision to quit athletics at the end of the year for a doctorate in Neurology. He also knew that the Australian John Landy was making marks ever closer to 4 minutes, and with the progression that could soon had exceeded the mythical barrier. "So now or never," he must have thought Bannister.

wall fell too far in an age of professionalism today, also selected track was far from the stage on which are achieved today major brands. Iffley Road track was just ash and a modest wooden grandstand stood next to the main straight. But the expectation was so great that some 3,000 spectators crowded around it to witness the test, which was broadcast by BBC radio, with the former Olympic champion in the 100 meters as a commentator Harold Abrahams. Barely half an hour before the start of the race the wind speed down to two meters per second, and stopped raining.

All participants in that race led dorsal two-digit numbers starting with 4 (referring to the four minutes that were meant lower) had the 41 Bannister. To help achieve his goal count with the collaboration Brasher and Chataway, who would make hares. The two athletes Londoners took the race to a lively pace, but Bannister seemed restless, anxious even faster. In the absence of 400 meters to go the weather was good (3:00.07) but not enough to achieve the desired mark. Would have to cover the last lap in under a minute. Were agonizing 400 meters in heavy fighting against the wind and fatigue, as reflected in his face contorted, mouth open, eyes closed ... In the stands and around the old stadium crowds cheered enthusiastically. When Bannister broke the tape marking the clock arrival ... 3:59.4!, Implying lower in two seconds the previous world record (4:01.4), held by Sweden's Gunder Hägg since 1945. The news came even to paralyze the activity of Parliament.

The young medical student had succeeded in defeating the "wall" had been for half a century that he had resisted the great middle-distance specialists. Therefore, some baptized this race as "Miracle Mile" (Miracle Mile) . Curiously, however, that one of the most famous record of the history of athletics was, in turn, one of the most ephemeral. On June 21, just 46 days later, Australian John Landy snatched The record, running the distance in Turku (Finland) in 3:58.0.
But that hardly mattered now. In 1953 Edmund Hillary first conquered the summit of Everest. Then many climbers follow their steps, but the unforgettable saga of Hillary continue forever and ever ... He was the first to do so. Similarly, this May 6, 1954 Bannister won their particular Everest and ephemeral, despite its record, and nobody will ever take away his privileged place in the memory of athletics. That day, finally, conquered eternity.

A brief career
Roger Gilbert Bannister was born on March 23, 1929 in Harrow (London). Son of a wealthy family, educated at some of the best schools in England. He studied medicine at the University of Oxford, he combined studies with athletics, a sport he practiced in his youth and soon came to the fore.

Since its inception Bannister-high (1.87 meters), thin (70 kilos), blond, with his thin face, very sharp cheekbones and exquisite manners, "he specialized in middle-distance tests. In 1950, only 21, won the bronze medal in the 800 meters in the European Championships in Brussels, and two years later participated in Helsinki Olympics, where he touched the medal in the 1,500 meters (finished 4 th with a time of 3:46.0). It was not until the recalling and May 6, 1954 when it reached the glory. Bannister's record was followed a month and a half later, Australian John Landy. Were the two best middle distance athletes worldwide, and anticipation was high to see a matchup between . The duel did not take long to arrive, on 7 August of that year in Vancouver, competed together for the first time in his life, during the Commonwealth Games. Bannister won his powerful end to end with a winning time of 3:58.8, 3:59.6 by Landy.

This race was a great event followed widely by the media worldwide, and the British celebrated with pride as a great national success. A few weeks later, have won the gold medal in the 1,500 meters at the European Championships played in Bern 3:43.8. But Bannister sporting life was inexplicably short. In late 1954, with just 25 years old, decided to retire from athletics to focus on medicine, an activity that would become a renowned neurologist . Once removed received numerous honors, was the first to be elected Sportswoman of the Year by American magazine Sports Illustrated (in 1954), was the first President of the English Sports Council, the Queen named him Sir (Knight) in 1975 for its sporting achievements ... The early withdrawal, at the height of his career, his fascination enlarged the figure. In fact, history has been taken twice to the small screen : in a 1988 miniseries entitled The Four Minute Mile , starring Michael York, and in the television movie produced in 2005 Four Minutes with Jamie Machlachlan giving life to Roger Bannister and Christopher Plummer as his coach.

Since Bannister broke the four-minute barrier, thirteen other athletes have possessed record for the mile, John Landy, Derek Ibbotson, Herb Elliott, Peter Snell, Michel Jazy, Jim Ryun, Filbert Bayi, John Walter, Sebastian Coe, Steve Ovett, Steve Cram, Nourredine Morcelli and Hicham El Guerrouj. Of these, only three have impressed Sir Roger: Elliot Australian, American and Moroccan Ryun The Guerruj. "Elliott had a large margin of superiority over his contemporaries, unlike other times, the Guerruj now has the record and is extremely good, especially built for this test, Ryun ran 3:52 on the old tracks and can ensure that value 3:48, a mark that currently amount to 3:43 or 3:44, "explained in 2004, to mark the 50th anniversary of his achievement: Miracle Mile.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kates Playground Streamed



March 25, 2010

Catalina Besnier is investigated by the Office of Porvenir

involve a governor of Tierra del Fuego a millionaire State Bank fraud

Governor of Tierra del Fuego, Catalina Besnier Anguita, is in the eye of the hurricane. This is because the State Bank of Punta Arenas the responsibility of having made a millionaire fraud at the headquarters of Porvenir. According

realize La Prensa Austral , the case is in the hands of the prosecution of Porvenir, but so far the authority has not been formalized.

The State Bank's presentation points to the responsibilities of a number of people including the governor, on charges of fraud over $ 153 million.

In late June 2009, once known the situation, the State Bank closed the current account Besnier. As a result, in August 2009, she filed a petition for protection from the court of appeals in Punta Arenas, which was rejected.

This led to Catalina Besnier to submit an application for protection against the financial institution, which was also rejected by the Court of Appeals in Punta Arenas, on 18 August last year.

The Court analyzed the background and, according to the Patagonian morning, was it a State Bank report points to the direct responsibility of Besnier in fact.

Modus operandi

According to the resolution of the three judges, fraud would have been incurred as follows:

"An official from the Bank resorted to customers that facilitated their current accounts to deposit checks from the wife of this (official) those without funds, allowing herself after the release of the withheld funds, which will then be transferred to other accounts, from which finally retreated, be that of the appellant (Catalina Besnier) precisely for the latter, recording more of 60 transfers of funds inn and a similar number of transfers over the Internet, for which he informed the defendant (the bank officer) your password and personal use. "

In turn, the lawyer Gonzalo Droguett, sponsor of Besnier, said the current account maintained with the financial institution was used to pay the salaries of the maquiladora products Besnier bound marine.

In turn, the now Governor of Tierra del Fuego said through her checking account as payments of salaries of workers who, as a natural person, employed or maquila processing of marine products. Besnier

appealed to the Supreme Court to try to overturn the decision of the Court of Punta Arenas, but the high court upheld the ruling.

Suma y sigue

The questioning of the governor of Tierra del Fuego, in addition to the case of José Miguel Steigmeier, who stepped down as governor of the Bio Bio last Friday following a publication of The Counter that linked to the network that supported Paul Schafer, creating a society that used the money from a trust in Canada to buy land in Los Angeles. After knowing the background, the Ministry of Interior decided to remove him.

This newspaper tried to get an opinion from the state secretariat on the status of Besnier, but until the end of this note there was no response.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Confidentiality Clause Letter

PIÑERA President Piñera Piñera

article "THE DESK" TODAY "


Listing real estate companies.

Sebastián Piñera :

President of the Republic is linked to the Constructora Aconcagua, Novatec and linked to El Bosque SA real estate, building managers Geocentric Amunátegui street, which was damaged by the earthquake.

Ciper Chile

According the employer has a long investment in Aconcagua, as had 17.8 percent of the construction and was the third largest investor after his friend Andrés Navarro and Aníbal Montero. Their participation was diluted when it merged with Aconcagua SalfaCorp in 2007.

The electronic medium ensures

Piñera has 5.7% of the latter holding.

Fernando Echeverria :


The current mayor is a member of Echeverría and Izquierdo construction and real estate Purema SA, the latter with Ricardo Artigues Bachelet. Both companies were in charge of the building's Race Conception, said the municipality had to be demolished soon.

Echeverría and Left also has problems with the building Castellón and Victor Lamas, also in Concepción. The first property is also linked the businessman Joseph Cox, an owner of Alto Construction Arauco.

disabled in Santiago pleaded Huechuraba Heights building, belonging to the estate gardens Huechuraba.

Joseph Cox:

Socovesa is the construction company building San Miguel Park, which presented serious problems after the earthquake, and Cox is the director. Until recently was also a board member of the company's new Economy Minister, Juan Andrés Fontaine, who resigned in early March.

Agustín Edwards and Eduardo Fernández León :

Inmobiliaria del Cerro, Socios de FFV (el dueño de El Mercurio es propietario de los terrenos en los que se edificó el proyecto). Esta inmobiliaria construyó el condominio Santa María Polo Golf, tres de cuyas torres sufrieron daños.

Andrés Navarro Haeussler:

Inmobiliaria Konhill S.A.: en octubre de 2004, se constituye como sociedad anónima cerrada. Inversiones Santa Isabel Ltda. y Asesorías Pepool Limitada están en el origen de esta inmobiliaria, según información de Ciper Chile. Los mismos socios constituyen en 2006 la Inmobiliaria Los Jazmines Limitada, cuyo administrador Andrés Navarro Haeussler is , own probe.

The jasmine in Maipú condominium was damaged and was evicted.

Juan Cuneo:

Simonetti Inmobiliaria: a major partner and vice president of Falabella holding company, acquired 20 percent of the property company led by Philip and Alexander Simonetti.

Building Rafael Prado street in Providencia, no decree or eviction uninhabitable, despite which many of the owners chose to go.

Carlos Alberto Delano :

Empresas Penta

The holding consists of the entrepreneur, Chairman of the Telethon and friend of Sebastián Piñera, Carlos "Choclo" Delano. Penta real estate is part of the asset management division, which was questioned by the damage to East Regina community in Providencia, the city, through a decree, declared uninhabitable.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Roulette Stats Calculator

President? how you choose your collaborators? President Sebastian Piñera


March 19, 2010

José Miguel Steigmeier the circle of iron
Paul Schafer

Bío Bío Governor appointed by Piñera helped launder money from the Colonia Dignidad

Steigmeier actively collaborated in this money laundering and participating land buying companies created by the German enclave in the early 90 ', after former President Patricio Aylwin will revoke the legal status.

Steigmeier involvement is proven in several lawsuits over the former Villa Baviera, but mostly in a statement that the doctor Hatmutt Hopp, one of the members of the iron circle of "Uncle permanent ", as nicknamed Schafer-lent to the Minister of the Court of Appeals of Santiago, Jorge Zepeda.

This occurred in late 2005, when Hopp decided to break the pact of silence about the activities of the German enclave and revealed how it came network of money laundering through offshore Saint Islands Kitts and Nevis, where he also obtained fake documents to Schafer and his stepdaughter Rebecca.

Steigmeier - a vice president of the National Society of Agriculture - was also investigated by hiding victims abused by Schafer in the farm Santa Matilde

Hopp was convicted in the so-called weapons of the colonial case , where these facts lend support .

Schafer The money used to live in hiding in the neighboring country was triangulated through several banks, one of which the Chemical Bank, precisely the one used by Pinochet, among many others, to hide the money I kept in the Riggs Bank of America. Hopp also spent money for Uruguay, which in those years late 90's, early 2000 - had a weak anti-money laundering legislation.

But the money was to have a mirror in Chile. According to Hopp himself, then passed the funds to "persons who have handled independently."

And there is again Steigmeier, owner of properties in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, who along with attorney Edgardo Enrique Veloso and Neumann, formed the company called "Tierra Negra" . The latter bought land for $ 1 million into Los Angeles with funds that were triangulated and in trust in Canada.

Steigmeier - a vice president of the National Society of Agriculture - was also investigated by hiding victims abused by Schafer in the farm Santa Matilde. This is the case of Angel Except occurred in 1997, who was "caring" by the settler Ernest Schreiber, son of Albert, another member of the circle of iron ruler and chief financial officer of the enclave.

Steigmeier, along with Veloso and Neumann, traveled several times to Buenos Aires when Schafer lived there in hiding. The first, also appears next to the chief in a photograph, of the few known. Also witnessed this behavior last legal form of the old system of profit-making process during the pendency of a summary criminal, such as probation.

The attachment of the entrepreneur with the Enclave comes to the point that his father died in the hospital (Neukra) of Colonia Dignidad. His brother is the current Bishop of Villarrica, Archbishop Francisco Javier Steigmeier, who assumed the episcopal office almost a year ago, the newspaper La Tribuna de Los Angeles .

The governor who was anointed with Steigmeier, it was announced a few days ago the minister of Interior, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, and government spokeswoman Ena von Baer. They said the opportunity, the choice of these authorities it was an "extremely demanding and meticulous process."

Editor's note: This newspaper tried José Miguel Steigmeier locate the National Society of Agriculture, but said it was not, giving a phone from Los Angeles where he was not there.

Source: http://www.elmostrador.cl/noticias/pais/2010/03/19/gobernador-del-bio-bio-designado-por-pinera-ayudo-a-lavar-dinero-de -la-colony-dignity /

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wedding Galleries Welcome Messagte

are starting bad


linkages with companies in the damaged buildings: The President's Men


For Francisca and Juan Pablo Figueroa, CIPER seriously damaged and all have real estate with Sebastian Pinera. The president also has an ownership stake in a business which faces problems of a building Amunategui street. These are some of the ends of the network that links employers "earthquake" with the current President.

. Also appear linked in various ways to the construction and real estate involved, the mayor of Maule, Rodrigo

Galilee, Minister of Economy Juan Andrés Fontaine
, and his friends Carlos Alberto Delano ,
Andrés Navarro, Ricardo
Bachelet and

Joseph Cox.


While President not to deploy all its forces to implement his plan of reconstruction, a project linked to one of its investments are moving a little more than recommended. This is the building street Geocentric Amunátegui, which was built by Novatec

and whose estate was El Bosque SA, two companies linked to Constructora Aconcagua, a company in which Piñera has a long investment. Had 17.8% of the construction and was the third largest investor after his friend Andrés Navarro and Aníbal Montero. Their participation was diluted when it merged with Aconcagua SalfaCorp in 2007 Recent press reports indicate that Piñera has 5.7% of the latter holding an investment that could be part of any of the trust delegated Celfin volunteers and Larraín Vial, since it was publicly reported that has emerged from this asset. In its first president (2005), Aconcagua was the only company to publicly donated to his campaign . Piñera

knew that this asset could mean a conflict of interest and in December 2009 announced its sale: "I have the firm intention to dispose of the property or management of all companies that may pose any obstacle or conflict of interest with my vocation to be a good President for all Chileans, Lan, Chilevisión,

Salfacorp , Constructora Aconcagua, Clínica Las Condes. " So far, only been known from the sale of a portion of its assets in Lan and all its shares in the last of these companies. business mayor Earthquakes Without doubt the most affected by the quake is the flamboyant mayor of Santiago, Fernando Echeverria

, a partner in the construction

Echeverría Izquierdo . This company is responsible for the construction of at least three of the buildings damaged by the earthquake. In Santiago was in charge of building Huechuraba Heights and Design of High Arauco II


Castellón. While the former is being evaluated and may not have structural damage, the latter already has a demolition order. Castellón building is on the list of buildings with "severe structural damage" and was evacuated to the danger posed to the inhabitants. Asked by reporters this week, Echeverria declined to respond to the problems presented buildings of its construction. He argued that before taking on the mayor's office withdrew all charges and therefore is not "authorized representative" to talk about it. In addition, as appropriated

Second, would not comment on the responsibilities of construction and real estate: "Today we are concerned about the emergency, there is water and electricity, public policy, there roof ... then investigate if there or responsibility. "

These statements were made on the spot where the mayor of Santiago signed an agreement with the Chilean Chamber of Construction (CChC)-the same as it presided over the union-to make available to municipalities to volunteers to assess the damage of the capital's buildings. Work delegated to them that even though most of the construction of buildings, who eventually may be responsible for damage, are members of the CChC.

Echeverría He said a few days ago The Third , he never thought of being mayor, but he wanted to volunteer. In that same interview said that would only a year since , because its task will only lead the regional reconstruction. While Echeverría said he saw no conflict of interest between being mayor of Santiago and investment real estate in the same region, before assuming he faced the same problems of concern to owners and residents of the buildings that bear the stamp of Echeverría Izquierdo.

Days before the change of command, now mayor met with the Mayor of Maipú, Alberto Undurraga, who sought a solution for the residents of the buildings to be demolished by the earthquake damage. According to the law, the cost-about $ 600 million, run by the owners of the destroyed apartments, but the mayor suggested he look for some how the regional government pay until the courts determine who is responsible for the collapse of the building.

The same drama living in Concepción the owners of the departments of Alto Arauco II, where the demolition costs would run in principle by the municipality, then they would charge money for their owners. The neighbors are exploring ways to bring the construction and real estate in court to answer for the damage because the building was delivered in October 2003 before the amendment to the law that extends the warranty to 10 structural failures years.

Echeverría is not the only Mayor complicated. According

The Counter

appropriated , his counterpart in the Region of Maule, Rodrigo Galilee not yet assumed when he was approached by the residents of some houses were damaged built in Galilee SA, a company which until then was a manager

general partners

President Fernando Echeverría not only participated through their company in the construction of buildings of Conception, but also was personally involved in real estate. The sale of the building High Arauco II was in charge of

Purema Estate, a company created in 1997 by

Ricardo Echeverría

. Both were also in 2004 the Real Estate

Victor Lamas, a firm that sold the building departments of Castellón.

In the first case, the developer has only offered to help "pry bars" to hold the building to try that residents can come to recover their property. In the second, the developer is still negotiating with the owners, but so far only offered to bear the damage to the building's common areas delivered new in 2009.

addition Bachelet, who has led the company's dialogue with Property owners are Joseph Cox and Felipe Donoso, owners Constructora

High Arauco. They have traveled to Conception and have also been received at its offices in Santiago, located on the floor Apoquindo 9, 3000, the same building which has its corporate headquarters Sebastián Piñera (Bancard, Axxion, Future Foundation and Editorial Los Andes).

The location is no accident. Bachelet and Cox, along with Ignacio Guerrero are members of CMB (resident on the floor 16 of the same building) and also linked the new President. Cox and Guerrero are part of the inner circle of Piñera, friends and business partners in a lifetime. Nor was the first time that the owners of CMB and Echeverria Izquierdo did business together. Cox, Guerrero, Bachelet and Piñera has been associated with the construction in several real estate projects, as in Forest Plaza Recoleta and apartment buildings in Vitacura and Las Condes the newspaper La Tercera valued in total at $ 69 million 2006. Joseph Cox is also director of

, a construction company building San Miguel Park, which presented serious problems following the earthquake. Socovesa in the directory shared until recently with Juan Andrés Fontaine

, the new Minister of Economy, who resigned his seat on 2 last March.


President Carlos Alberto Delano

and Sebastián Piñera also have a common real estate history. Besides being childhood friends, both businessmen - Corn


Chatito , as they affectionately call-invested together in the building Las Americas Miraflores street, one of the first modern towers of downtown Santiago, in late of the '80s. Since almost all businesses and Piñera Delano, the initiative was a success. The building's architect was Christian Boza

-author of several projects now president-who also designed the King of Huechuraba condo, another affected by the earthquake.

Carlos Alberto Delano came roaring back to the real estate world in recent years through Penta , the group headed to Carlos Eugenio Lavin. Your Regina Pacis building street in Providencia, was seriously damaged in the quake, raising the ire of its occupants. Dissatisfied with the response of the estate, held noisy protests in the front of the Penta offices in the El Bosque neighborhood of Las Condes. Finally the company agreed to repurchase all departments, although in recent days tensions between the developer and the neighbors came to light.

The last of the Friends of the Chair questioned the quality of their real estate investments is

Andres Navarro. Besides being a shareholder of Aconcagua with Piñera, Real Estate Manager appears Konhill SA, which was responsible for the management of the Condominium The Jazmines of Maipú, another property which was damaged in Santiago.

The government has tried in these days to signal that he is not the business side. The Interior Minister, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, said Monday Radio Cooperativa to help authorities find the responsibilities among the companies that built the buildings in disrepair and recent construction. Hinzpeter not say how the government will face the issue. Those who do have more clearly the strategy that follow are the members of the law firm Bofill Mir & Alvarez, Jana

Hinzpeter and that still bears his name even though the interior minister sold his stake before assuming 11 March. His former partner Alejandro Álvarez VIVA represents the estate, responsible for damaged three buildings, two in Macul and one in Providencia.

Direct Route: From the concessionaires to MOP

"We talk a bit with the new minister and President Piñera for all these routes, along with schools, hospitals, prisons and public buildings collapsed, concessions, "said Monday the president of the Dealers Association of Public Infrastructure Works. (COPS) Herman Chadwick Piñera, Sebastián Piñera cousin.

Apparently, his words came quickly to the Ministry of Public Works (MOP), whose owner announced the next morning to study new concessions. "The concession process has helped to develop the country and I think could help us now in rebuilding, "he told

Second Minister of Solminihac Hernán. concession

The decision probably has nothing to do with the familial relationship between Piñera and the president of the concessionaires, but rather that key positions are occupied by persons belonging MOP hitherto closely linked to COPSA.

Under Secretary for Public Works, Loreto Silva, not mentioned in the official curriculum, but the website says COPSA as its prosecutor. And the brand of the Concessions Coordinator ministry, Mauricio Gatica, was vice president of the union organization and also served as general manager of the dealership Rutas del Pacífico SA

This relationship explains the statements made by Herman Chadwick to

The Second: "The team has armed to manage the MOP and the issue of concessions is first order, both for the incorporation of very good, as is the case of the undersecretary, general director of concessions and the general director of Public Works, for confirmation their positions as top quality people. "

About Loreto Silva, Chadwick said: "She is very intelligent and knows a lot. " And on Mauricio Gatica, the new coordinator MOP Awards, said: "We have an excellent impression of him, and has very clear how the licensing system may contribute more to reconstruction."

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How To Do Nice Chinese Bangs With Weave



Sarita Sullivan, my mother

She talked to death
He said, come find
invisible strait line and time has run
The Fates weave the thread last no longer
poppies bloom in my garden
The house is dark and the bread has

been distributed only crumbs in my trembling hands
and delivered them to the birds
those that nested in my hair
those who now fly in lustful evenings

not belong to me Come find

said in my ear Sing Orfeo's song

But sing it backwards to find the light in the darkness beyond.
To keep the shadows in the chest
oblivion and left me with the joy
lying on the table and generous.


I have talked to death. - Said the earliest known

The one that took my mother on a fateful night.
My father, wrapped in fog
of dreams and sadness of lost love. My three brothers

one by one in a long litany.
who tramped into the house
air like a ghost, my husband was left
and love like a wilted flower
pinned to my bra strap of

I have talked to death, "said
I talked to all
ghosts that inhabited the day to day sleep and wakefulness.
I talked with her and forgave
every pain and every absence.

We have become friends

She has offered his arm
a place to put the body
and discover the dream of dreams.


She was the girl who spun a light fabric to wrap
The witch who told stories of goblins and ghosts and scattered his deck
on the table to read there the exact figure of the happy days
that perfumed the house with spices
who came into the hold of ships and
Queen to be played in the carnival of life
translucent pearl necklace which looked at dusk on the day
stars in her eyes the color of time.

I can touch the fabric that built
secret spaces of the house.
the steaming pot to pay homage to the table everyday
The Napoleon of love, written in the thousand and one nights
life And the red glow in the alchemy of shared wine.
I can still hear the faint murmur of her lullaby.
And the birds that fluttered in his laughter
And remember in the annals of the brightness of his generous hand

And now the end of the road, when the dew still looks in the garden
their presence is a cocoon that dropped petals like wings.
To resume the flight there in memory where it keeps

nostalgia and perfume the air in the house because it has never died.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Paper Bag Hats Restaurant Il

Interview MAUVECIN LEONOR Mispoetascontemporáneos
in Tisocco Gustavo

"What is for you poetry?
When reading poetry and writing, one feels as Michel Foucault would say that subverts the order and returned to the world its sound naively breaks and chasms.
Poetry is thus a rhetorical question, a question about existence.
is a search, as the poet seeks to answer through the words in between the lines, in point of the minimum, look for the light through the word creator and delves into the mystery of life, as unknown and questioned.
From an internal I reveals and speaks a symbolic language groping in the dark, looking for the word as a revelation that brings us closer to our truth from a aesthetic vision that is built from an essential voice and that requires us to choose and discard.
And Borges says in his poem "Poetics" They say Ulysses, wearied of wonders, wept with love at the sight of his Ithaca. Green and humble. Art is that Ithaca Of green eternity not of wonders. " (1)
"Could you tell us a little about your life, of his published works, awards, his literary activity?
was born in 1950, I lived my childhood and Nu Pora youth, Rio Ceballos. Córdoba province. I am married and I have four beautiful children.
I graduated in Modern Literature from the AN C.
Management Specialist education by the Univ of Playa Ancha, Valparaiso, Chile. Professor of Language and Literature, he taught for 30 years and continue in this beautiful task of lighting fires.
Along with other members, I coordinated for 15 years, the cultural space The Cauldron of the Storytellers.
Coordinated with Sonia Rabinovich cultural space 's handwriting, and Cycle the poets 2006 of the municipality of Cordova.
I teach writing workshops at the Library Córdoba.
Courses and workshops in the CEPRAM
Extension courses and workshops at the National University of Cordoba. ***
Stimulus Fund of the Municipality of Córdoba years: 1998,2000,2005
Got Mentions:
Provincial Prize for Literature 1996 edition Córdoba,
Municipal Prize for Literature in Cordoba Luis de Tejeda 2006 edition
Foundation Award for Poetry Argentina Buenos Aires 2007 ***
House Air , stories (Ed, 1996 Boulevard )
's Footprint Evening (Ed Del Boulevard 1998)
The snake skin (Ed. Del Boulevard 2000)
's Box wood, (Ed. Argos 2005)
The house of love and death (Ed Argos 2008)
Integro anthologies:
The Cauldron of Storytellers (1994, 1996, 1997 and 1998).
poets Cycle (Municipality of Cordova 1998)
twentieth century poetic Córdoba (founder Ed 1999)
2005 Land spell. (Ed Culture Córdoba Province.
heptagonal (Ed Argos 2008)
Women Poets in the Land of the Clouds (ED Mixteca Mexico 2008)
** *
participated as a speaker at literary conferences organized by:
National University of Cordoba.
's house in Buenos Aires Córdoba
tables in Córdoba Book Fair, Buenos Aires, Mendoza, San Javier, Alta Gracia.
I have been sworn in Stimulus Fund of the City of Cordoba. ***
When did you write? Why?
In the passing of life, we share the reality but each has a particular way of imagining it, and we explore our own territories that I recreated. And when I look back looking for the origin of this craft offender does not accept the laws of physics, not the language itself, which keeps us would say Olga Orozco, " suspended between enigmas, which values \u200b\u200bthe words rather than gold and when I look back, I say, go back to a house, a short patio and a large garden where they took down the mountains with native espinillos, flavorings, magnolias and shady pine trees under whose shade bloomed lluvia.Y mushrooms after I listen to the clear notes my grandfather Pedro tore his guitar on warm summer evenings.
And the stories of witches and princesses who told me my mother as she sewed on your machine or process incredible Singer-pudding plom Irish grandparents.
still hear the weaving of use as a dancing prodigy held by the thread of wool, that miracle came from the hands of Doña Aurora, Creole old woman who lived in my house and gave me her love.
And the stories of Elena, her daughter, my nana, who with joy, revived in my imagination as a child poverty history.
When I look back I see the books in the library of my father and I hear his voice reciting poetry.
still listen to Delmira Agustini:
I had / two wings / Let the blue living as two sidereal / roots / wings / with all the miracles of life, death / and illusion (2).
Surge there in that house and the eye in the library where my own I see the world and discovers himself and the poet who dwells in me seeks to express through a suggestive word to convene, and that testimony be allowed to survive, evade death, achieved through the written word immortality of the beloved.
In my book The footprint of the evening say
time I'll just words written
in a book.
They will memory or forgetfulness (3)
be a poet is a destination, the greatest achievement is to the poem. Then
poetry allows us as Barthes would feel the joy, because it unsettles us and amazes us, throws us into the abyss cordless.
While poetry brings us closer to the disorder diffuse field, shows there are deep truths that are beyond the order established by a surface reality, the poet writes like a man who builds cranes for survival and the search for the unfathomable, infinite aspiration allows us to circumvent the illusion perhaps forgotten.
In the book of hunting, say
paper cranes built in vacuum
and desperate flight leaves.
paper cranes dot the sky.
. Conjure an instant. Brief
space / time between the two.
In the ritual of waiting
the next move is poetry. ***
How would you describe your poetry?
My poetry is for me a quest, a lens for viewing the universe, try to recognize my own space where I installed and discover various ways, changing and dispossessed. Each of my books is different, but each contains earth, sun, water and all beings who accompany me in this down the river. And I find that water is no longer the same and I'm not the same and my poems are not the same.
I believe my poetry is tied to life, his men and women living joys and sadness, I believe that my words sound good to the ear of the helpless and the powerful evil, I believe they have wings to bring love and leave on the night hope. ***
What authors influenced your poetry?
Many, many that would be very difficult to list them without being unfair, but I can name a few as Olga Orozco, Jorge Luis Borges, Horacio Castillo, Glauce Baldovino, Romilio Rivero, Amelia Biagioni, Alejandro Nicotra, Pablo Neruda, my dear friend the poet Cesar Vargas Sonia Rabinovich, Julio Castellanos. ***
" What is the goal that you would like to accomplish with your poetry?
Retain sacred message or essential and save the word of their ephemeral nature.
Perhaps that old slogan which I keep as a poet in my unconscious and drives me to write, the urgent need to rescue from oblivion an experience, new meaning through the experience and appropriating it, to save del impiadoso río del olvido .
Me gustaría burlar la muerte y dejar un fuego encendido para que algún lector se ilumine.
Me gustaría lograr una palabra que movilice, que conmueva y despierte al que duerme un sueño de fantasía , me gustaría mover aunque sea un grano de arena en el desierto mundo.
¿ What poem would you choose if you had to choose one special? Why?
Difficult choice, if it is a poem of mine might be able to choose from:
I dig slowly. Remove
litter. Separate
bone dust. Arrange
everything in place.
Knowing what to do with what's left. Sort
Find the tip of the iceberg.
Cut nudo.Abrir doors. And
all that remains
I choose because it is somehow my Poetics. ***
poetic language has changed over the years?
The universe is an unknown text to be solved, that is why at every turn we find new puzzles that attempts to reveal the word, so the years are discovering different ways to explain, perhaps in the unknown text, there are only words of love and death, Eros and Thanatos "what else can we talk?
is permanent renewal. As with any new author, my first book is a baroque style that I've been dropping over time and the word has been stripped.
try to listen to the advice of Borges' The complex simplicity "I am surprised my books, are each very different in form but the watchful eye are sure to find the same wings. ***
"To you is born or a writer?
When you have the need writing-intensive Perla Suez says it is because first had the intense need to read.
I think that writing can only be valid for any indication when he invites the reader to spell the word. (4)
When a writer is born is born a new reader to look for other experiences.
For more than life and my concern has put me in the way many great writers I read with pleasure and they are for my true masters, I keep my father's books, play your yellow pages and hear his voice like music and learned to recognize the value melodious words, I learned from orality the value of pauses, silences and rhythm within each poem . ***
" What advice would you give to a young writer / writer who began in this beautiful way of the WORD?
The poet as the fisherman, he leans over the paper and looking at the sea of \u200b\u200blanguage words that you feed and give life to look from the bottom and find a way possible to enable it to understand the universe is that there is an unseen text to decipher, as Mallarmé said.
The poet looks at the sea of \u200b\u200blanguage, there is the food, so reading is a pressing need, a desire that becomes pleasure and challenge.
And then the poet expects the metaphor, the word needed, created and recreated, and begins the hard work, pain and pleasure of creation, like a birth.
In the wooden box say
come here insomniac
of many, all these words
that struggle to emerge from dark mouths. Blessed
form of travel pregnant.
And here I am surrounded by air
attempt the flight, and edge
see my wings turn to dust.
But again, harsh, words
to fetch
those who talk and complain.
Am I crazy? Wonder.
What are all these voices? (5)
Words beset the poet, looking for questioning and that search does not end with the poem made, the poet once again found an open question, again the unspeakable, forbidden word, and another After the challenge, so endless.
Alejandro Nicotra says in his Art of Poetry:
*** You're like poetry
Never write. Unspeakable
clothed you, however, words equally to
put it in your hand the ring of a goodbye.
But naked and follow me. (6) ***
Interrogator, imaginative, creative, poetic word is fundamentally critical and free.
Perhaps the parameters of modernity and its concept of beauty have been forgotten, perhaps the vanguard with its postulates combative and rebels have been overcome, perhaps the reality is fragmented and inundate us all the media with the paradox of modernity that offers a highly solitary world of the spirit level and human.
poetry, literature in general can not escape the influence of time because it is the intimate expression of man, we see in contemporary literature and a sort of bricolage where the different fragments are giving way to combine heterogeneous in the non-place of language.
But poetry, I think, must not fall into the banal, in the superfluous, the temptation of marketing. It should, however try the search of beauty to escape the nihilism of an era devoid of values.
Accepting the challenge of the times, conducting a personal search in the world itself where a prism can be seen all reflections of the current but without falling into the "anything goes" without succumbing to mediocrity, to the popularization of art and culture. ***
"How do you see now the publishing industry?
The publishing industry is what it is: an industry, if it is honest is very respectable and creates many jobs.
Some think that the industry is a sort of background stimulus and I think they are wrong. I think the problem faced by the poet when editing is the lack of encouragement from the state, there is a policy book, there is no place for poetry in the budget, or in public spaces.
duly No culture is valued, scarce rewards to help achieve the issue.
Stimulus Córdoba has a background that gave good contributions to culture but have been systematically removing funds.
hard to find in bookstores and less poetry books by local authors (interior or small publishers)
Poetry is not "sold" and booksellers say why Why? Would take too long to explain but if you look at the school, the nursery, where poetry has been absent from school a long time and was free.
often are the same poets who do not buy books, that may prove in many forms, and talks about the little solidarity among equals, solidarity required to circulate the book, to read us poetry should circulate more among us , if we want others to read us.
I do not think there is only one responsible for this gap, this helplessness in the poeta.Son found many different but I think in large part due to the loss of values.
If I had to recommend a book poetry, prose, short stories, novels etc. What would you recommend?
Cordoba As I recommend in my province extraordinary authors who are great unknown in the rest of the country. Lucia's book of Glauce Baldovino.
Meeting Place Alejandro Nicotra. The book of plants and the charms of Romilio Rivero and Joy's epitaph Caesar Vargas and of course many others.
"do you think of new ways of spreading the word, whether on websites, forums literary cyber, virtual magazines, ñusleter, blogs etc?
I find excellent support for the dissemination of poetry and the work of every writer. Create invisible bridges that bring us together and unite us. I am the coordinator of literary workshops, the Internet is an extraordinarily rich tool to meet poets from different places, discover and recognize new poetic allow other searches. ***
Finally Do you want to add something?
Every time I let the words run through the paper are expressing our conception of the world, especially the way we understand and feel life, and found many times write feelings, sensations, thoughts or ideas they were hidden even to ourselves, that we know can say with much depth, because writing is a quest for meaning. This is the way we give meaning to our existence.
A writer friend, Daniel Santoro, listening to a young poet who wrote that because poetry could express their anguish, could do catharsis, he said, "That's what they have learned to say, because really , ask a poet what makes poetry is like asking why birds sing, it is his nature.
All people have a gift and to deploy it in all its magnitude is to honor the life.
And Borges says, " how great is it something fabulous, but imagine." The great thing is in the everyday, the things that surround us in our own lives, we just need to see and count them in a different way to imagine other possibilities of the ordinary.
imagination is usually addressed what constitutes the uniqueness of a good poem.
*** ***
MAUVECIN LEONOR (1) Jorge Luis Borges, of The Maker (1960) Collected Works Vol II ed Emecé Arg (2) Uruguayan poet Delmira Agustini Cantos am Claudio Díaz García and 1912 publishers Uruguay (3) Mauvecin Leonor footprint pm Ed Boulevard Cba Arg 1998 (4) Suez Argentina novelist Pearl Voice newspaper interview inside Cba (5) Leonor Mauvecin ed wood box Argos 2005 (6) Open Binder Alejandro Nicotra Complete Works ed 2004 The copyist Cba Arg