article "THE DESK" TODAY "
Listing real estate companies.
President of the Republic is linked to the Constructora Aconcagua, Novatec and linked to El Bosque SA real estate, building managers Geocentric Amunátegui street, which was damaged by the earthquake.
Ciper Chile
According the employer has a long investment in Aconcagua, as had 17.8 percent of the construction and was the third largest investor after his friend Andrés Navarro and Aníbal Montero. Their participation was diluted when it merged with Aconcagua SalfaCorp in 2007.
The electronic medium ensures
Piñera has 5.7% of the latter holding.
The current mayor is a member of Echeverría and Izquierdo construction and real estate Purema SA, the latter with Ricardo Artigues Bachelet. Both companies were in charge of the building's Race Conception, said the municipality had to be demolished soon.
Echeverría and Left also has problems with the building Castellón and Victor Lamas, also in Concepción. The first property is also linked the businessman Joseph Cox, an owner of Alto Construction Arauco.
disabled in Santiago pleaded Huechuraba Heights building, belonging to the estate gardens Huechuraba.
Socovesa is the construction company building San Miguel Park, which presented serious problems after the earthquake, and Cox is the director. Until recently was also a board member of the company's new Economy Minister, Juan Andrés Fontaine, who resigned in early March.
Agustín Edwards and Eduardo Fernández León :
Inmobiliaria del Cerro, Socios de FFV (el dueño de El Mercurio es propietario de los terrenos en los que se edificó el proyecto). Esta inmobiliaria construyó el condominio Santa María Polo Golf, tres de cuyas torres sufrieron daños.
Inmobiliaria Konhill S.A.: en octubre de 2004, se constituye como sociedad anónima cerrada. Inversiones Santa Isabel Ltda. y Asesorías Pepool Limitada están en el origen de esta inmobiliaria, según información de Ciper Chile. Los mismos socios constituyen en 2006 la Inmobiliaria Los Jazmines Limitada, cuyo administrador Andrés Navarro Haeussler is , own probe.
The jasmine in Maipú condominium was damaged and was evicted.
Simonetti Inmobiliaria: a major partner and vice president of Falabella holding company, acquired 20 percent of the property company led by Philip and Alexander Simonetti.
Building Rafael Prado street in Providencia, no decree or eviction uninhabitable, despite which many of the owners chose to go.
Carlos Alberto Delano :
Empresas Penta
The holding consists of the entrepreneur, Chairman of the Telethon and friend of Sebastián Piñera, Carlos "Choclo" Delano. Penta real estate is part of the asset management division, which was questioned by the damage to East Regina community in Providencia, the city, through a decree, declared uninhabitable.
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