Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Paper Bag Hats Restaurant Il

Interview MAUVECIN LEONOR Mispoetascontemporáneos
in Tisocco Gustavo

"What is for you poetry?
When reading poetry and writing, one feels as Michel Foucault would say that subverts the order and returned to the world its sound naively breaks and chasms.
Poetry is thus a rhetorical question, a question about existence.
is a search, as the poet seeks to answer through the words in between the lines, in point of the minimum, look for the light through the word creator and delves into the mystery of life, as unknown and questioned.
From an internal I reveals and speaks a symbolic language groping in the dark, looking for the word as a revelation that brings us closer to our truth from a aesthetic vision that is built from an essential voice and that requires us to choose and discard.
And Borges says in his poem "Poetics" They say Ulysses, wearied of wonders, wept with love at the sight of his Ithaca. Green and humble. Art is that Ithaca Of green eternity not of wonders. " (1)
"Could you tell us a little about your life, of his published works, awards, his literary activity?
was born in 1950, I lived my childhood and Nu Pora youth, Rio Ceballos. Córdoba province. I am married and I have four beautiful children.
I graduated in Modern Literature from the AN C.
Management Specialist education by the Univ of Playa Ancha, Valparaiso, Chile. Professor of Language and Literature, he taught for 30 years and continue in this beautiful task of lighting fires.
Along with other members, I coordinated for 15 years, the cultural space The Cauldron of the Storytellers.
Coordinated with Sonia Rabinovich cultural space 's handwriting, and Cycle the poets 2006 of the municipality of Cordova.
I teach writing workshops at the Library Córdoba.
Courses and workshops in the CEPRAM
Extension courses and workshops at the National University of Cordoba. ***
Stimulus Fund of the Municipality of Córdoba years: 1998,2000,2005
Got Mentions:
Provincial Prize for Literature 1996 edition Córdoba,
Municipal Prize for Literature in Cordoba Luis de Tejeda 2006 edition
Foundation Award for Poetry Argentina Buenos Aires 2007 ***
House Air , stories (Ed, 1996 Boulevard )
's Footprint Evening (Ed Del Boulevard 1998)
The snake skin (Ed. Del Boulevard 2000)
's Box wood, (Ed. Argos 2005)
The house of love and death (Ed Argos 2008)
Integro anthologies:
The Cauldron of Storytellers (1994, 1996, 1997 and 1998).
poets Cycle (Municipality of Cordova 1998)
twentieth century poetic Córdoba (founder Ed 1999)
2005 Land spell. (Ed Culture Córdoba Province.
heptagonal (Ed Argos 2008)
Women Poets in the Land of the Clouds (ED Mixteca Mexico 2008)
** *
participated as a speaker at literary conferences organized by:
National University of Cordoba.
's house in Buenos Aires Córdoba
tables in Córdoba Book Fair, Buenos Aires, Mendoza, San Javier, Alta Gracia.
I have been sworn in Stimulus Fund of the City of Cordoba. ***
When did you write? Why?
In the passing of life, we share the reality but each has a particular way of imagining it, and we explore our own territories that I recreated. And when I look back looking for the origin of this craft offender does not accept the laws of physics, not the language itself, which keeps us would say Olga Orozco, " suspended between enigmas, which values \u200b\u200bthe words rather than gold and when I look back, I say, go back to a house, a short patio and a large garden where they took down the mountains with native espinillos, flavorings, magnolias and shady pine trees under whose shade bloomed lluvia.Y mushrooms after I listen to the clear notes my grandfather Pedro tore his guitar on warm summer evenings.
And the stories of witches and princesses who told me my mother as she sewed on your machine or process incredible Singer-pudding plom Irish grandparents.
still hear the weaving of use as a dancing prodigy held by the thread of wool, that miracle came from the hands of Doña Aurora, Creole old woman who lived in my house and gave me her love.
And the stories of Elena, her daughter, my nana, who with joy, revived in my imagination as a child poverty history.
When I look back I see the books in the library of my father and I hear his voice reciting poetry.
still listen to Delmira Agustini:
I had / two wings / Let the blue living as two sidereal / roots / wings / with all the miracles of life, death / and illusion (2).
Surge there in that house and the eye in the library where my own I see the world and discovers himself and the poet who dwells in me seeks to express through a suggestive word to convene, and that testimony be allowed to survive, evade death, achieved through the written word immortality of the beloved.
In my book The footprint of the evening say
time I'll just words written
in a book.
They will memory or forgetfulness (3)
be a poet is a destination, the greatest achievement is to the poem. Then
poetry allows us as Barthes would feel the joy, because it unsettles us and amazes us, throws us into the abyss cordless.
While poetry brings us closer to the disorder diffuse field, shows there are deep truths that are beyond the order established by a surface reality, the poet writes like a man who builds cranes for survival and the search for the unfathomable, infinite aspiration allows us to circumvent the illusion perhaps forgotten.
In the book of hunting, say
paper cranes built in vacuum
and desperate flight leaves.
paper cranes dot the sky.
. Conjure an instant. Brief
space / time between the two.
In the ritual of waiting
the next move is poetry. ***
How would you describe your poetry?
My poetry is for me a quest, a lens for viewing the universe, try to recognize my own space where I installed and discover various ways, changing and dispossessed. Each of my books is different, but each contains earth, sun, water and all beings who accompany me in this down the river. And I find that water is no longer the same and I'm not the same and my poems are not the same.
I believe my poetry is tied to life, his men and women living joys and sadness, I believe that my words sound good to the ear of the helpless and the powerful evil, I believe they have wings to bring love and leave on the night hope. ***
What authors influenced your poetry?
Many, many that would be very difficult to list them without being unfair, but I can name a few as Olga Orozco, Jorge Luis Borges, Horacio Castillo, Glauce Baldovino, Romilio Rivero, Amelia Biagioni, Alejandro Nicotra, Pablo Neruda, my dear friend the poet Cesar Vargas Sonia Rabinovich, Julio Castellanos. ***
" What is the goal that you would like to accomplish with your poetry?
Retain sacred message or essential and save the word of their ephemeral nature.
Perhaps that old slogan which I keep as a poet in my unconscious and drives me to write, the urgent need to rescue from oblivion an experience, new meaning through the experience and appropriating it, to save del impiadoso río del olvido .
Me gustaría burlar la muerte y dejar un fuego encendido para que algún lector se ilumine.
Me gustaría lograr una palabra que movilice, que conmueva y despierte al que duerme un sueño de fantasía , me gustaría mover aunque sea un grano de arena en el desierto mundo.
¿ What poem would you choose if you had to choose one special? Why?
Difficult choice, if it is a poem of mine might be able to choose from:
I dig slowly. Remove
litter. Separate
bone dust. Arrange
everything in place.
Knowing what to do with what's left. Sort
Find the tip of the iceberg.
Cut nudo.Abrir doors. And
all that remains
I choose because it is somehow my Poetics. ***
poetic language has changed over the years?
The universe is an unknown text to be solved, that is why at every turn we find new puzzles that attempts to reveal the word, so the years are discovering different ways to explain, perhaps in the unknown text, there are only words of love and death, Eros and Thanatos "what else can we talk?
is permanent renewal. As with any new author, my first book is a baroque style that I've been dropping over time and the word has been stripped.
try to listen to the advice of Borges' The complex simplicity "I am surprised my books, are each very different in form but the watchful eye are sure to find the same wings. ***
"To you is born or a writer?
When you have the need writing-intensive Perla Suez says it is because first had the intense need to read.
I think that writing can only be valid for any indication when he invites the reader to spell the word. (4)
When a writer is born is born a new reader to look for other experiences.
For more than life and my concern has put me in the way many great writers I read with pleasure and they are for my true masters, I keep my father's books, play your yellow pages and hear his voice like music and learned to recognize the value melodious words, I learned from orality the value of pauses, silences and rhythm within each poem . ***
" What advice would you give to a young writer / writer who began in this beautiful way of the WORD?
The poet as the fisherman, he leans over the paper and looking at the sea of \u200b\u200blanguage words that you feed and give life to look from the bottom and find a way possible to enable it to understand the universe is that there is an unseen text to decipher, as Mallarmé said.
The poet looks at the sea of \u200b\u200blanguage, there is the food, so reading is a pressing need, a desire that becomes pleasure and challenge.
And then the poet expects the metaphor, the word needed, created and recreated, and begins the hard work, pain and pleasure of creation, like a birth.
In the wooden box say
come here insomniac
of many, all these words
that struggle to emerge from dark mouths. Blessed
form of travel pregnant.
And here I am surrounded by air
attempt the flight, and edge
see my wings turn to dust.
But again, harsh, words
to fetch
those who talk and complain.
Am I crazy? Wonder.
What are all these voices? (5)
Words beset the poet, looking for questioning and that search does not end with the poem made, the poet once again found an open question, again the unspeakable, forbidden word, and another After the challenge, so endless.
Alejandro Nicotra says in his Art of Poetry:
*** You're like poetry
Never write. Unspeakable
clothed you, however, words equally to
put it in your hand the ring of a goodbye.
But naked and follow me. (6) ***
Interrogator, imaginative, creative, poetic word is fundamentally critical and free.
Perhaps the parameters of modernity and its concept of beauty have been forgotten, perhaps the vanguard with its postulates combative and rebels have been overcome, perhaps the reality is fragmented and inundate us all the media with the paradox of modernity that offers a highly solitary world of the spirit level and human.
poetry, literature in general can not escape the influence of time because it is the intimate expression of man, we see in contemporary literature and a sort of bricolage where the different fragments are giving way to combine heterogeneous in the non-place of language.
But poetry, I think, must not fall into the banal, in the superfluous, the temptation of marketing. It should, however try the search of beauty to escape the nihilism of an era devoid of values.
Accepting the challenge of the times, conducting a personal search in the world itself where a prism can be seen all reflections of the current but without falling into the "anything goes" without succumbing to mediocrity, to the popularization of art and culture. ***
"How do you see now the publishing industry?
The publishing industry is what it is: an industry, if it is honest is very respectable and creates many jobs.
Some think that the industry is a sort of background stimulus and I think they are wrong. I think the problem faced by the poet when editing is the lack of encouragement from the state, there is a policy book, there is no place for poetry in the budget, or in public spaces.
duly No culture is valued, scarce rewards to help achieve the issue.
Stimulus Córdoba has a background that gave good contributions to culture but have been systematically removing funds.
hard to find in bookstores and less poetry books by local authors (interior or small publishers)
Poetry is not "sold" and booksellers say why Why? Would take too long to explain but if you look at the school, the nursery, where poetry has been absent from school a long time and was free.
often are the same poets who do not buy books, that may prove in many forms, and talks about the little solidarity among equals, solidarity required to circulate the book, to read us poetry should circulate more among us , if we want others to read us.
I do not think there is only one responsible for this gap, this helplessness in the poeta.Son found many different but I think in large part due to the loss of values.
If I had to recommend a book poetry, prose, short stories, novels etc. What would you recommend?
Cordoba As I recommend in my province extraordinary authors who are great unknown in the rest of the country. Lucia's book of Glauce Baldovino.
Meeting Place Alejandro Nicotra. The book of plants and the charms of Romilio Rivero and Joy's epitaph Caesar Vargas and of course many others.
"do you think of new ways of spreading the word, whether on websites, forums literary cyber, virtual magazines, ñusleter, blogs etc?
I find excellent support for the dissemination of poetry and the work of every writer. Create invisible bridges that bring us together and unite us. I am the coordinator of literary workshops, the Internet is an extraordinarily rich tool to meet poets from different places, discover and recognize new poetic allow other searches. ***
Finally Do you want to add something?
Every time I let the words run through the paper are expressing our conception of the world, especially the way we understand and feel life, and found many times write feelings, sensations, thoughts or ideas they were hidden even to ourselves, that we know can say with much depth, because writing is a quest for meaning. This is the way we give meaning to our existence.
A writer friend, Daniel Santoro, listening to a young poet who wrote that because poetry could express their anguish, could do catharsis, he said, "That's what they have learned to say, because really , ask a poet what makes poetry is like asking why birds sing, it is his nature.
All people have a gift and to deploy it in all its magnitude is to honor the life.
And Borges says, " how great is it something fabulous, but imagine." The great thing is in the everyday, the things that surround us in our own lives, we just need to see and count them in a different way to imagine other possibilities of the ordinary.
imagination is usually addressed what constitutes the uniqueness of a good poem.
*** ***
MAUVECIN LEONOR (1) Jorge Luis Borges, of The Maker (1960) Collected Works Vol II ed Emecé Arg (2) Uruguayan poet Delmira Agustini Cantos am Claudio Díaz García and 1912 publishers Uruguay (3) Mauvecin Leonor footprint pm Ed Boulevard Cba Arg 1998 (4) Suez Argentina novelist Pearl Voice newspaper interview inside Cba (5) Leonor Mauvecin ed wood box Argos 2005 (6) Open Binder Alejandro Nicotra Complete Works ed 2004 The copyist Cba Arg


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